My name is Dr. Penny How and I am a data scientist. I am part of the development team behind the pypromice Python package for operational data production from the PROMICE (Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet) and GC-Net (Greenland Climate Network) automated weather station network.

I graduated with a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) in 2018, where I was examining the dynamics of tidewater glaciers in Svalbard, primarily using time-lapse cameras and photogrammetry techniques.

Within this time, I learnt to code in Python and developed an object-oriented toolbox called PyTrx for deriving measurements from terrestrial glacial imagery. I continue to develop my expertise in programming through post-doctoral and specialist positions in university, governmental and commercial work settings.

This website serves as my little corner of the internet to write about glaciology, programming, life in (and out of) research, and other things I learn along the way.

Interests: big data processing, terrestrial time-lapse camera set-ups and photogrammetry analysis, glacier dynamics, remote sensing, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) applications in glacial environments, glacier-volcano interactions in Iceland