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Work Diary: Week 5

This week we have been reviewing and setting priorities for pypromice and the operational processing of data from the PROMICE and GC-Net automatic weather st...

Work Diary: Week 4

I submitted a software paper to the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) presenting the Python code for producing the ice-marginal lake inventory series. T...

Work Diary: Week 3

Life is overtaking work at the moment due to childcare complications. However, I did manage to submit the ESSD data description paper for the Greenland ice-m...

Work Diary: Week 2

I didn’t work in week 1 as I was still on holiday. Work days and times in week 2 were a bit all over the place this week as my daughter’s daycare building is...

Greenland Science Week 2023

At the beginning of November, we had Greenland Science Week which is a conference held across Greenland every two years to present and disseminate research t...